Don'y have a plank. Jesus took it away. Jesus explained to the disciples that it is not what comes from the outside that makes a person unclean. It is what comes out of the inside. Hence his purification of our hearts. I worked for years on building sites as a Christian. Lot of unclean stuff from those guys. I not to long ago worked for three months with a guy who built steel gates. Couldn't get away from his dirty jokes et al. Never contaminated me one bit because my heart is clean. It's a big hinderance to people being saved if Christians practise don't see, don't hear. don't look. That is monasticism. I worked a long time as a taxi driver. Stuff happened it would not be right to talk about. Particularly with prostitutes. Never contaminated me, Jesus gave me a clean heart. WEe are not called to hide from the world but to take what we have into it to change it. Paul said to Titus; to the pure on heart ALL things are pure. bi My intrntion is certainly not to cause trouble. God has given me the responsibility of a Teacher. I have to say it as it is.