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DREAMS AND THERE MEANING. Doug Addison is a Prophet who occasionally moonlights as a standup comedian. He offers an online dream interpretation course for Christians. The aim is to help Christians understand their own dreams, and to be ready to interpret dreams of non-Christian people as a witness to the Gospel. Doug goes out on the street approaching people and asking if they have had a dream they would like interpreted. He gets a lot of affirmative responses.
Job 33:15,16 For God speaks in one way and in another, yet no one notices. In a dream, in a vision in the night, when deep sleep falls upon men as they slumber on their beds, He opens their ears and terrifies them with warnings.
That may be a new idea for you, but it is one with plenty of Bible backing. For example, Joseph and Daniel from the Old Testament. Doug teaches on video and gives a printable dream symbol dictionary. I have not had the chance to interpret a non– Christians dream since taking the course. I use the dictionary to guide me in understanding any of my dreams that seem significant. If an opportunity arises to speak to a person about a dream, and we have not had training, we can follow Daniels example and simply ask God for the interpretation. Daniel went and prayed then returned with the interpretation.