That is not an ad hominem comment - it is a genuine statement of my opinion - it is robust discussion - tearing you down is a completely different thing - I am a teacher and sometimes I get a bit robust to get people to see they are not accepting the whole counsel of the word of God. For example in one of the links you gave me the writer clearly says we are sinners as Christians - that is patently false - and a denial of Jesus atonement as revealed to us in the New Testament. And of course it is the Evangelical line - I would ask that man when he is going to get rid of being a sinner? Certainly not at death - death does not eradicate sin. Only the blood of Jesus does that, In this life. There is no evidence for this positional thing you talked about. Jesus atonement was not that inadequate. Everything He gave us is a Spiritual fact and reality now. I am seated in heavenly places in Christ in the Spirit now. We do not become positional new creatures in Christ - we are now new creatures in Christ, in fact. Positional teaching does away with a lot of the real Christian life of power and the supernatural. Which is the reason the Evangelical' s lack in that area. I am aware that like me you love God and His word - we are going back and forth on what the true counsel of the word of God is, I am zealous because I do not like to see Jesus being short changed by inadequate interpretations of the Gospel, and I know what a blessing it is to have the fulness of all He obtained for us. Still it is best not to prolong such a discussion if no progress is being made by either party. So I pray God's blessings on you and yours, and pray the Lord will use you in the fulness of His plan for you. God bless