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The Fine Art And Science Of AI Prompts
The quality of AI output is dependent upon the instructions given to the instrument by the user. You may have had an experience similar to mine. On various AI services I entered a short sentence of instruction. A basic sentence saying what I was after. Often the output was mediocre causing me to form an opinion about the AI service as ‘not much good’.
I have since learned it was not the AI service that was at fault. Rather it was my inexperience at giving the thing instruction — aka prompting. AI prompting has become somewhat of an industry. One branch of the industry is the AI Prompt Market-Place. Websites have sprung up where you can buy and sell prompts., and are some of them.
These sites have prompts for sale on every conceivable topic in demand for work on the internet. Below is a screen shot from offering an e-book prompt for ChatGPT. A sample e-book obtained from the prompt is shown on the same page. In my opinion the sample e-book is pretty good.