You will notice in 1John 2:1 John tells his hearers the reason for his writing is that they may not sin, If they follow his teaching they will not sin. For John to write that as truth means he himdelf was living without sin. (iJohn chapter 1 is another story - I wrote an article on that which is on my page - interpreting 1John 1:) John then says 'but' if you do sin' etc . So it is possible for Christians to sin.
We Receive a pure heart by faith - but while we are on Earth we have a corrupt body., which will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. In Romans 8 Paul says we are waiting for the final piece of our salvation - the redemption of the body.
In Romans 7 Paul tells of his struggle to understand and handle his corrupt body. Then in Romans 8 he moves to warning the new believers not to follow the deeds of the body. To follow the desires of the body, if not controlled thru a spiritual life will finally result in death.
Earlier in Romans he says his hearers are holy - and in Romans 7 he says he desires to do God's will in his inner man, Earlier in Romans Paul says we have received 'the circumcision of the heart.'
There ia book about John G Lake and the Holy Spirit and another with all of his writing and teaching and sermons - both by Roberts Liardon. I think they are still available on Amazon. Lake had the gift of communicating the truth of the marvel and granduer of Jesus' atonement.
Reading those books, I think, is the best way, other than the New Testament , of educating our selves in the high level of living God intended for us thru Jesus' atonement.
I've just about written an ebook here !!! bi